

1329 Uppsatser om Shared leadership - Sida 1 av 89

Implementering av delat ledarskap inom en kommunorganisation

This report addresses the management innovation and how Shared leadership is a form of it. The report is a compilation of what Shared leadership means and how two municipal organizations works with Shared leadership. The two minicipal organizations are Strängnäs and Vällingby. One municipality (Strängnäs) is meanwhile this report produced during insertion of Shared leadership. The other (Vällingby) has about two years experience of working with this form of leadership.

Delat Ledarskap- En fallstudie om ett delat produktansvar på ledarskapsnivå

Leadership is essential for every company. Its strength or weakness of direction, clarity, and evaluation affects success or failure of its organization. With the complex structure of the big and global companies today leadership is more challenging. The traditional view of leadership, with the single individual possessing all the competences and skills, is therefore being challenged by an alternative way of leadership, a Shared leadership. Existing research on the subject is still scarce, which makes further studies in this field important.

Att erbjuda största möjliga lycka: en kvalitativ studie av ett parledarskap på en somatisk vårdavdelning

The aim of this study was to investigate leadership in public health care. The methods used were shadowing and semi-structured interviews. The shadowing involved observing the Shared leadership of two head nurses in an administrative management position of a ward in their daily work during two weeks. The observation was supplemented by ten semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis of the data was carried out and the result indicated that Shared leadership is a form of leadership well suited for an organisation as big and complex as the clinic where the study took place.

Om relationer och maktstrukturer inom delat ledarskap : Lustfull relation eller obalanserad soppa?

The aim of this study is to create an increased understanding of Shared leadership and how it takes shape in the relationship between first-line managers in human service organizations. Shared leadership is seen as a complement to the traditional one-man leadership and briefly means that two managers share the role that usually is held by a single leader. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with managers in human service organizations. The interviews mention the mangers thoughts and experiences about Shared leadership and gain approval in the hermeneutic science field. The study is analyzed based on symbolic interactionism where perspectives from the theoreticians Mead and Goffman are used.

Sammanställning av möjligheter att konvertera ICD till AIS för bedömning av risken för medicinsk invaliditet : En systematisk litteraturstudie

The aim of this study is to create an increased understanding of Shared leadership and how it takes shape in the relationship between first-line managers in human service organizations. Shared leadership is seen as a complement to the traditional one-man leadership and briefly means that two managers share the role that usually is held by a single leader. The study has a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with managers in human service organizations. The interviews mention the mangers thoughts and experiences about Shared leadership and gain approval in the hermeneutic science field. The study is analyzed based on symbolic interactionism where perspectives from the theoreticians Mead and Goffman are used.

Platt och jämlikt? : En fallstudie av Feministiskt Initiativ

The aim of this work is to define the party structure of Feministic Initiative (FI). We want to examine the structure of an organization that doesn?t start out with a hierarchical order. We further intend to examine the party?s leadership; whether or not it is equal, between the three spokespersons.We find it interesting as a topic from a democratic point of view as well as to see if a flat structure could work in practice.

Teamwork och det nya ledarskapet - en begreppsanalogi

The purpose of this essay is to further the understanding of contemporary management theory by conducting an analogy-study of the source to many of the terms today used in knowledge-intensive companies. The way a football club deals with knowledge work differs from how a conventional company deals with it. However, many of the terms, such as teamwork and coaching, are shared by the two types of organization. By using the analogy-method we hope to create a wider understanding for the shared concepts. We have used a hermeneutic perspective throughout the essay, which first and foremost means that we focus on understanding and explaining social phenomenons.

Lärarens första ljuva år som ledare : En kvalitativ undersökningom fem nyutexaminerade 1-6 lärares föreställningar kring sitt ledarskap

The purpose of this essay is to find out what new graduate teachers conceptions are of their own leadership in the classroom. The paper also aims to examine the different leadership styles the teachers perceive themselves to use. My study is based on qualitative data collected through interviews, where the informants are newly graduated teachers in grade 1 to 6. Using a qualitative approach has made it possible for me to get a deeper understanding of this study. I have also used previous research in this area where Arfwedson (1993), Franssons & Morbergs (2001) and Paulin (2007) presents a number of experiences that student teachers and recent graduate teachers has shared.

Ledarskap - En balanskonst?: En studie av föreställningar om ledarskap

The industry of management training programs is increasing rapidly. Every year numerous organizations sponsor expensive management training programs for their managers, hoping that this will pay off and make the organizations more profitable. The companies that offer these management training programs could be seen as important conveyers of conceptions of leadership. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to identify similarities between a number of management training programs and see how they are related to different leadership theories , and based on this try to recognize the conceptions of leadership that are conveyed. The study is of qualitative nature and is based on interviews with representatives from five management training companies in Sweden along with a text analysis of written material presented by the companies.

Den kommunikativa medarbetaren : För att uppnå en ömsesidig kommunikationsprocess

This thesis addresses the subject of internal communication between the leadership and the employees. Communication is a common process and according to Tufvesson (2008), the primary focus has been on the role and responsibility of the leadership. This can mean that, from the employee's point of view, it is not clear what the organization expects, and this lack of clarity dimishes the ability of the employees to live up to those expectations (ibid). Tufvesson (2008) believes that today's organizations need common interpretations, which requires a well thought out communication strategy between leadership and employees. Because communication represents an organization's functionality, the report?s authors were interested in studying the employees? representatives.

Ledarskap i klassrummet : Demokratiskt eller auktoritärt

The aim is to examine how teachers view their leadership, how leadership is used and developed, and what kind of perceptions teachers have of leadership and how it is important to their students.My questions are: In what ways can the teachers develop their leadership?In what ways can the teachers make use of leadership in the classroom?What do the teachers in the study consider to be a good leadership?What do the teachers inte the study think of their leadership and its´ importance to students? The study uses a qualitative research method and consists of interviews with four teachers working in a school south of Stockholm. The results of the study shows that teachers´ leadership in the classroom has a significance for students´ learning and development. The teachers´style of leadership should not be static and should be adapted to students´development level. The results also shows that teachers´ leadership in the classroom is about various tasks.

Alexander: det tar hundra år... : Kvinnligt ledarskap i den ryska medievärlden

The more leadership you get, the more power you will receive. Unfortunately, not everyone is given the same opportunities. This can be seen and proved on the basis of studies in media companies. Our purpose concerns attitudes towards female leadership in Moscow, Russia. This thesis was based on two study methods, qualitative interviews and observations.

För vilka företag lämpar sig en etablering av ett shared service center? En fallstudie av implementering av ett shared service center på IKEA

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utreda vilka företag som lämpar sig för en implementering av ett shared service center. Metod: Under arbetets gång har en abduktiv ansats använts där det varit en kontinuerlig interaktion mellan teori och empiri. Det har gjorts en kvalitativ studie av ett fallstudieföretag med hjälp av intervjuer, facklitteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar. Slutsatser: De företag som är mest lämpade för en etablering av ett shared service center bör vara:? Stora ? de måste kunna uppvisa stordriftsfördelar? Multinationella ? centraliseringen till shared service måste få märkbar effekt? Expansiva ? realisera besparing i personalkostnader ? Lågkostnadsstrateger ? syftet med ett shared service center passar företagets paradigm? Förändringsvilliga ? det är ett stort projekt som måste stödjas av organisationen.

Ledarskap och ledarstilar i klassrummet : en intervjustudie utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

The purpose with this examine was to study the teachers perception of leadership in the classroom and also how they experience the conditions of this. The method used was qualitative, and builds on a total of six interviews. Stensmos five leadership tasks in the classroom that constitute leadership context have provided the theoretical basis of this study. The leadership tasks have therefore been used as theoretical tools in this study to analyze the teachers? reasoning about their own leadership style.

How Thai Culture Affects Expatriates' Leadership

To contribute to understanding of how Thai cultural context affects the leadership of expatriates in management positions. Instead of modifying the leadership styles to fit the local (Thai) context, the expatriates tried to push and influence their culture and leadership styles to Thai employees..

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